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Quadratic convergence of Newton's method for 0/1 loss optimization
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Optimal Portfolio Selections via $\ell_{1, 2}$-norm Regularization
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A Penalized Method of Alternating Projections for Weighted Low-Rank Hankel Matrix Optimization, Code - Chen Zhao, Naihua Xiu, Houduo Qi, and Ziyan Luo, 04/2020 (revised 02/2021)
A Lagrange-Newton Algorithm for Sparse Nonlinear Programming.
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Global and quadratic convergence of Newton hard-thresholding pursuit
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Robust euclidean embedding via EDM optimization
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The decompositions of non-symmetric cones
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Classical multidimensional scaling: a subspace perspective, over-denoising and outlier detection,
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A Convex Matrix Optimization for the Additive Constant Problem in Multidimensional Scaling with Application to locally linear embedding
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Tackling the Flip Ambiguity in Wireless Sensor Network Localization and Beyond
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Constrained Best Euclidean Distance Embedding on a Sphere: a Matrix Optimization Approach
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A Computable Characterization of the Extrinsic Mean of Reflection Shapes and Its Asymptotic Properties
Dedicated to Professor Jiye Han on his 80th birthday.
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A semismooth Newton method for the nearest Euclidean distance matrix problem (Matlab code: ENewton.m)
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